Refund Policy
At Gardenuity, we want to make sure you are happy with your purchase. It’s that simple. If, within 30 days of receipt of your purchase, you are not fully satisfied, we are happy to refund you the paid price for the item(s) you wish to return, including its associated tax.
Please contact us directly to process your refund, return or exchange. You may email us at Please do not return any products without contacting us first. When requesting a return, include your order number, best way to contact you, and reason for return. If you are requesting a refund or exchange for your plants, please refer to our Get Growing Guarantee.
We must receive shipment of the return within 30 days from the date the refund was requested, or your refund request is void. We will notify you via email when your return is processed and your refund or credit is available (usually 7-10 business days). The refund will be made to your original form of payment or can be made in the form of store credit. Shipping charges cannot be refunded.